How can I add a loading screen?

About loading animations

On Growform, changing steps or submitting a form is almost instantaneous.

By introducing a loading animation, you can make it clear to users that their information is being processed, and give the impression that an action is happening in real time:

Once a certain delay has passed (by default, 2 seconds), the user will be passed to the next step.

It's possible to show a loading screen either during the form (for example, before asking for contact details) or at the end of the form.

To avoid accidental navigation and confusion, the loading animation automatically hides the form's navigation (continue button, submit button and/or progress bar) whilst it is visible.

How to create a loading screen

1.) To create a loading screen, you'll need to add a new step to your form. We'll call this step "Loading step":

2.) Now you have a step for displaying the loading animation, delete any unnecessary fields and add a "loading animation" field:

3.) Edit the loading animation's size, colors or style in the settings while it is selected:

4.) Use decorative elements like paragraphs, headers or images to provide additional context on this screen:

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