How To Use Custom Fonts With Growform

With custom fonts, it's possible to easily use one of 150+ Google Fonts on your form.And if we don't have the font you need, just ask and we'll add it!

There are 5 fonts you can customise in Growform:

  • The default font controls all decorative headers and paragraphs unless overridden. You'll likely want to start here.
  • The input/label font controls the labels and input fonts on text fields and form elements. This is set to Roboto by default.
  • The buttons (in form) font - covers buttons you may have in your form
  • The buttons (continue / submit) font is for the continue and submit buttons found on each step of your form.

These settings will be enough for almost all use-cases, but if you want to target anything more specifically, you can do so with custom CSS.

How to change the default font

In the Growform builder, hit "Theme" and then change "default font" under "form presentation":

How to change the input/label font

In the Growform builder, hit "Theme" and then change "label font" under "input":

How to change the buttons (in form) font

In the Growform builder, hit "Theme" and then change "default font" under "form presentation":

How to change the buttons (continue/submit) font

In the Growform builder, hit "Theme" and then change "button font" under "form presentation":

As always, don't forget to hit "Save" before viewing your form in the wild.

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